I am a PhD candidate at the Center for Cybersecurity, New York University (NYU), advised by Prof. Brandon Reagen. I’m broadly interested in cryptographically secure privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) and work at the intersection of deep learning and applied cryptography (homomorphic encryption and multiparty computation) as a part of DPRIVE projects. My primary research focuses on architectural and algorithmic innovation for efficient neural network computation with encrypted data, particularly in private inference.
In the early phase of my PhD, I worked on designing nonlinear-efficient CNNs and developed ReLU-optimization techniques (DeepReDuce, ICML'21), and proposed methods for redesigning existing CNNs (DeepReShape, TMLR'24) for end-to-end private inference efficiency.
Currently, my research focuses on the privacy and security of large language models (LLMs). Specifically, I am investigating the role of nonlinearities (self-attention, GELU, and LayerNorm) in GPT models, aiming to develop innovative methods for designing GPT models with fewer nonlinearities for efficient private inference.
I have also served as an invited reviewer for NeurIPS'23 and ‘24, ICLR'24, CVPR'24, and ICML'24. If you are interested in collaborating, please feel free to email me!
Ph.D. in Privacy-preserving Deep Learning, 2020 - present
New York University
M.Tech. (Research Assistant) in Computer Science and Engineering, 2017 - 2020
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2009 - 2013
National Institute of Technology Surat
DeepReShape is the first work to conduct a rigorous characterization of desirable neural network attributes for efficient Private Inference (PI). We discovered that distinct network attributes are required for different ReLU counts; in particular, wider networks are beneficial only for higher ReLU counts, whereas networks with a greater proportion of least-critical ReLU are desirable for lower ReLU counts. Further, we introduced a novel network design principle called “ReLU-equalization” to strategically allocate channels within the network to optimize ReLUs and FLOPs efficiency simultaneously. DeepReShape outperforms the current SOTA (SENets, ICLR'23) by achieving a 2.1% increase in accuracy and a 5.2x faster runtime at iso-ReLU counts on CIFAR-100, and an 8.7x faster runtime at iso-accuracy on the TinyImageNet dataset.
DeepReDuce is a set of optimizations for the judicious removal of ReLUs to reduce private inference latency by leveraging the ReLUs heterogeneity in classical networks. DeepReDuce strategically drops ReLUs upto 4.9x (on CIFAR-100) and 5.7x (on TinyImageNet) for ResNet18 with no loss in accuracy. Compared to the state-of-the-art for private inference DeepReDuce improves accuracy and reduces ReLU count by up to 3.5% (iso-ReLU) and 3.5×(iso-accuracy), respectively.
Responsibilities include: